
Peyton Manning's inner-child sees Clark

I hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday!

It was pretty warm on Christmas Eve, but a late-night rainstorm kicked in a nice cold front. It actually feels like winter today, with foggy windows and white rooftops. The year just isn't complete without being chilled to the bones, so I'm grateful this year wasn't another warm Christmas. Actually, I'm mostly grateful that I have another excuse to use my Snuggie (what, they're comfortable!).

Because I have no relatives here, for every holiday it's just me, my parents, my brother, and my sister. It's really great to have moments like these. Nowadays everyone is either busy or stressed out or busy and stressed out, that it's easy to overlook how much effort is made just to share a meal and breathe the same air for a day. I wish I cherished these get-togethers more when I was younger, when we all had plenty of time to be together, but when you are young, you are so anxious to get old that when you actually get old, you can't help but wonder what all the rush was about.

And that brings me to my post for today, a Peyton Manning commercial for Sprint. It breaks down what Manning goes through each time he's in the pocket. Pressed for time, Manning looks for an open receiver while checking the defense and at the last second his inner-child whispers, "Clarrrrk" and Peyton throws to Dallas:

Credit: willworkforshoes

I like this commercial a lot, particularly because it turns Manning's calm and collected genius mentality into a tangible property. Let's hope this genius is repeated tomorrow when the Colts play the Raiders.

It's an away game and the Raiders are a rowdy crowd, so our men in blue need all the support and cheer they can get. Despite lots of people picking the Colts for an outright win, I think it's going to be a tough match. However, I have no doubt that Manning and the Colts will get the job done.

If anything, as I was shopping for last minute gifts, I stumbled upon this horseshoe shaped necklace (Colts logo) with "Hits the jackpot" engraved on the back. I will take that as a token of luck.

Go Colts!


Here are the behind the scenes for the "Manning's Mind" commercial:

Credit: Manningsmind

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