Stay safe tonight everyone. See you all in 2011.
Happy new year!
Magic 8 Ball - Colts vs. Titans Week 17 Preview
Sunday will mark the last week of the regular season for NFL football. If Peyton Manning and the Colts win over the Titans, the Colts will have made the playoffs for nine straight seasons. Nine. Can you believe that? If Manning and company were a sitcom show, they'd be on TV for as long as Friends.
If the Colts make the playoffs, and I think they will, everyone on the team deserves the hardest, butt-numbing butt slap for what they've been able to accomplish so far this season. Their injury situation has been talked to death, so I'll just tip my hat to them and leave it at that.
Today, my magic 8 ball will be answering the questions on all of our minds as the game approaches:
Without further ado, here is the game preview for the Colts vs. Titans match up:
Credit: 18pmc18, NFL Game Previews
Let's go Colts! We beat the Titans last time and we can do it again.
If the Colts make the playoffs, and I think they will, everyone on the team deserves the hardest, butt-numbing butt slap for what they've been able to accomplish so far this season. Their injury situation has been talked to death, so I'll just tip my hat to them and leave it at that.
Today, my magic 8 ball will be answering the questions on all of our minds as the game approaches:
I like all of those answers except for number 6.
- Will Jeff Fisher shave his mustache? - Cannot predict now.
- Are the Titans going to run 2 fake punts and 1 onside kick? - Better not tell you now.
- Is Dominic Rhodes still possessed? - Yes - definitely.
- Are any other Colts' running backs possessed? - As I see it, yes.
- Will Clint Session play on defense? - Ask me again later.
- Will the Colts stop Chris Johnson? - Outlook not so good.
- Will the Jaguars lose? - Outlook good.
- Will the Colts win against the Titans this upcoming Sunday? - Without a doubt.
Without further ado, here is the game preview for the Colts vs. Titans match up:
Credit: 18pmc18, NFL Game Previews
Let's go Colts! We beat the Titans last time and we can do it again.
The blue stars are lining up
David Garrard will not be playing next week against the Texans, so that means even more good news for Peyton Manning and the Colts.
Garrard injured his finger during the Colts vs. Jaguars game, hitting it against either Dwight Freeney or Robert Mathis' helmet. His finger didn't seem too bad during that game and Garrard still played against the Redskins last week. However, he will be getting surgery on it this Thursday.
If the Jaguars lose (more likely now that their starting quarterback is out), the Colts will make the playoffs even if they lose to the Titans (though this is less likely to happen). Manning and the Colts will probably try to win out so they at least have a chance of securing the third seed if the Kansas City Chiefs lose to the Oakland Raiders.
I'm never pleased to hear about any injuries, but I'm relieved that the injury didn't happen to another Colt (*knock on wood*). Manning is going to need all the weapons he can get, on all sides of the ball to make a playoff/Super Bowl push!
We survived the Black Hole last week and now need to destroy the Titans. And if the Texans can hang on long enough before shooting themselves in the foot, then that's just extra icing on top.
Thrusters on full.
Garrard injured his finger during the Colts vs. Jaguars game, hitting it against either Dwight Freeney or Robert Mathis' helmet. His finger didn't seem too bad during that game and Garrard still played against the Redskins last week. However, he will be getting surgery on it this Thursday.
If the Jaguars lose (more likely now that their starting quarterback is out), the Colts will make the playoffs even if they lose to the Titans (though this is less likely to happen). Manning and the Colts will probably try to win out so they at least have a chance of securing the third seed if the Kansas City Chiefs lose to the Oakland Raiders.
I'm never pleased to hear about any injuries, but I'm relieved that the injury didn't happen to another Colt (*knock on wood*). Manning is going to need all the weapons he can get, on all sides of the ball to make a playoff/Super Bowl push!
We survived the Black Hole last week and now need to destroy the Titans. And if the Texans can hang on long enough before shooting themselves in the foot, then that's just extra icing on top.
Thrusters on full.
Peyton Manning is going Bowlin'
Peyton Manning was selected third in line to go to the 2011 Pro Bowl in Hawaii. Tom Brady was chosen first and Philip Rivers second. In the NFC, the quarterback lineup is Michael Vick, Matt Ryan, and Drew Brees, in that order. The only other Colts' who made the roster were: Reggie Wayne, Dwight Freeney, and Robert Mathis. So much for fan voting!
I can't remember the last time I actually watched a Pro Bowl game. I only think of two things when I hear Pro Bowl: 1) the word stupid and 2) Manning in an ugly red jersey. At any rate, here's a nice flashback to the 2008 Pro Bowl when Kassim Osgood play-interviewed Manning. Osgood talks about how he dropped a perfect pass from Manning and Manning sarcastically retorts, "There was really no excuse whatsoever for you not to catch it." I also like how he plugged in his undeniable trust in Reggie Wayne. If Reggie misses a pass, it's okay. He'll still throw to him a second time because he knows he will make the catch then. For some reason, hearing that made me feel extra optimistic for the Colts.
Credit: mouthpiecesports1
The 2011 Pro Bowl is only a month away, but I'm going to be bold, Naga Viper bold, and say that Peyton won't be showing up as a reserve. Not because Tom Brady is going to pass and go purse shopping instead, but because the Colts are going to go to the Super Bowl. Wishful thinking? Maybe. Impossible? Most certainly not.
I know, I know. I shouldn't get ahead of myself... but I'm just so proud of how much this beat up team has accomplished. No run game? Boom, 100+ yards rushing in the last two games. Weak defense? Boom, who's stopping the runs now? Manning in a slump? Nope. Don't think so. It seems like the Colts are finally finding their stride.
However, they have a tough fight ahead of them should they (and they probably will) win against the Titans this upcoming Sunday and make the playoffs. I've got a feeling that they have some magic blue fairy dust hiding under their shoulder pads and helmets though! Feelings don't win football games, but then again, that's why I stay glued to the sofa every Sunday while Number 18 and the Colts go out and make things happen.
Go Colts! Let's hit the jackpot!
I can't remember the last time I actually watched a Pro Bowl game. I only think of two things when I hear Pro Bowl: 1) the word stupid and 2) Manning in an ugly red jersey. At any rate, here's a nice flashback to the 2008 Pro Bowl when Kassim Osgood play-interviewed Manning. Osgood talks about how he dropped a perfect pass from Manning and Manning sarcastically retorts, "There was really no excuse whatsoever for you not to catch it." I also like how he plugged in his undeniable trust in Reggie Wayne. If Reggie misses a pass, it's okay. He'll still throw to him a second time because he knows he will make the catch then. For some reason, hearing that made me feel extra optimistic for the Colts.
Credit: mouthpiecesports1
The 2011 Pro Bowl is only a month away, but I'm going to be bold, Naga Viper bold, and say that Peyton won't be showing up as a reserve. Not because Tom Brady is going to pass and go purse shopping instead, but because the Colts are going to go to the Super Bowl. Wishful thinking? Maybe. Impossible? Most certainly not.
I know, I know. I shouldn't get ahead of myself... but I'm just so proud of how much this beat up team has accomplished. No run game? Boom, 100+ yards rushing in the last two games. Weak defense? Boom, who's stopping the runs now? Manning in a slump? Nope. Don't think so. It seems like the Colts are finally finding their stride.
However, they have a tough fight ahead of them should they (and they probably will) win against the Titans this upcoming Sunday and make the playoffs. I've got a feeling that they have some magic blue fairy dust hiding under their shoulder pads and helmets though! Feelings don't win football games, but then again, that's why I stay glued to the sofa every Sunday while Number 18 and the Colts go out and make things happen.
Go Colts! Let's hit the jackpot!
Peyton Manning and his naked bootlegs
That headline almost sounds like a story put out by the National Enquirer. Fortunately for those of us with eyes, Peyton Manning is not a public cross-dresser, at least not to my knowledge. The only bootlegs he dons are the ones that kick his opponents' butts.
Yesterday, Manning ran for 27 yards with a little over a minute left in the game against the Raiders. No one on the o-line knew it was coming and even though Manning was just a hair faster than the fat guy on the Patriots who returned a kickoff for 71 yards, he did it like a pro. In fact, Manning should get an Oscar nod for best actor in a non-acting role:
Credit: tankilla44
According to the Indianapolis Star, Manning said he would have made the touchdown if he wanted to. So, he really was just being a classy, smart guy. Yes, the touchdown would have put the Colts up a 2 score lead, but taking a knee and running out the clock not only prevents unnecessary injury, it also absolutely destroys any glimmer of hope, no matter how small, of a Raiders' comeback. I also want to point out what a great job Dominic Rhodes did hustling from the backfield all the way to be there to help Manning block.
Even though you rarely see Manning breaking out his inner Michael Vick, this 27-yarder was not the longest Manning has ever run.
Yesterday, Manning ran for 27 yards with a little over a minute left in the game against the Raiders. No one on the o-line knew it was coming and even though Manning was just a hair faster than the fat guy on the Patriots who returned a kickoff for 71 yards, he did it like a pro. In fact, Manning should get an Oscar nod for best actor in a non-acting role:
According to the Indianapolis Star, Manning said he would have made the touchdown if he wanted to. So, he really was just being a classy, smart guy. Yes, the touchdown would have put the Colts up a 2 score lead, but taking a knee and running out the clock not only prevents unnecessary injury, it also absolutely destroys any glimmer of hope, no matter how small, of a Raiders' comeback. I also want to point out what a great job Dominic Rhodes did hustling from the backfield all the way to be there to help Manning block.
Even though you rarely see Manning breaking out his inner Michael Vick, this 27-yarder was not the longest Manning has ever run.
Week 16: Colts vs. Raiders 2010 Highlights
As God has appeared to smite the Colts during the course of this regular NFL season, today the die rolled in favor of the men in blue: the Chiefs beat the Titans, the Jaguars lost to the Redskins (making a Colts' loss today meaningless), and the Bengals whooped the Chargers (taking our Achilles heel out of playoff contention). Three weeks ago, the Colts were in the dirt and Manning was in the worst slump of his career. Fast forward three games and the Colts are back in contention, leading the way. Manning was off sync with his passing game today (2 picks), but the Colts refused to be smote.
My Top WTF Moments:
Credit: 18pmc18, NFL Game Highlights
Though the offense seems a bit rusty in the passing game, hopefully the renewed running game and defense will make up for the lack of timing between Peyton and his receivers.
One more game left against the Titans and it's a home game. If we win/tie or Jacksonville loses against Houston, we're in the playoffs. We can do it! I know we can!
Go Colts! Hit the jackpot!
My Top WTF Moments:
- The Colts are running the ball.... again! - Donald Brown, Joseph Addai, Dominic Rhodes, and even Peyton Manning himself had quite the running day. For a team ranked 28th in the NFL for rushing, we did a darn good job running the ball, averaging close to 5 yards per carry as a team. Brown and Addai had some good gains and boy, I've really missed Addai blocking at the line. I was actually expecting to see a little more of Brown, given his breakout performance in last week's game, but with Rhodes running like a man possessed, I had nothing to complain about. Rhodes is older, but he looked younger and stronger than ever. Manning capped off a mediocre offensive performance by running 27 yards all the way down to the Raiders' 4 yard line. I'm sure he could have made the touchdown, but after sliding, he took two knees to end the game with a respectable margin. Unlike well-known stat-padder, Tom Brady.
- Cut that meat - What a way for the defense to carry the team! With Manning and the offense out of stride, the defense did their job by sending the Raiders on numerous three-and-outs. Notoriously crappy on away games, they really stepped up today, just like they did last week against the Jaguars. I almost had a heart attack when Antoine Bethea was injured though, but fortunately, he was only a little shaken up. Let's keep this defensive fire burning!
- Penalty flags - There was a lot of yellow being thrown on the field today. Luckily, most of the calls were on the Raiders, with Peyton catching the Pirates for two offsides. Jeff Saturday actually got into it with some of the Raiders' players, but I'm glad the situation didn't escalate into a Andre Johnson-Cortland Finnegan fist fight. It was more like a rendition of Saturday's "I'll knock you out" to Houston's Mario Williams.
- Conservative Caldwell - I'm always screaming at my TV when the Colts are at 4th and 1 and decide to punt. Just go for it! You have Number 18 in the bank! And this is a "playoff" game! The Colts could have kicked a field goal in the fourth quarter, but Caldwell punted to the Raiders for them to score a touchdown on their ensuing drive. That left everyone antsy for the onside kick, but luckily Tamme jumped up like a great white shark to recover the ball. I understand the need to be cautious (God knows I'm highly risk averse), but sometimes Caldwell needs to stop being such a punt-loving, conservative coach. It's only his second year as head coach, but let's hope he does nothing but improve in the years to come.
- Austin Collie on the sidelines - I was surprised to see him there. After his multiple concussions, I thought he'd be bubble-wrapped and forced to take 3 hour naps around the clock. I didn't think he'd fly out with the team, but I was really happy to see him dressed in streets clothes and looking well. I know some people are calling for him to retire, but he seems like he's going to be okay. He just needs to take some time off and think things through. Here's to Collie getting better soon!
- Jacoby Ford return for a touchdown - Special teams, WTF?! This gave me eerie flashbacks to Super Bowl XLI, but then I calmed myself because... the Colts won that Super Bowl! At any rate, having kickoffs returned for a touchdown is not good.
Credit: 18pmc18, NFL Game Highlights
Though the offense seems a bit rusty in the passing game, hopefully the renewed running game and defense will make up for the lack of timing between Peyton and his receivers.
One more game left against the Titans and it's a home game. If we win/tie or Jacksonville loses against Houston, we're in the playoffs. We can do it! I know we can!
Go Colts! Hit the jackpot!
Peyton Manning's inner-child sees Clark
I hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday!
It was pretty warm on Christmas Eve, but a late-night rainstorm kicked in a nice cold front. It actually feels like winter today, with foggy windows and white rooftops. The year just isn't complete without being chilled to the bones, so I'm grateful this year wasn't another warm Christmas. Actually, I'm mostly grateful that I have another excuse to use my Snuggie (what, they're comfortable!).
Because I have no relatives here, for every holiday it's just me, my parents, my brother, and my sister. It's really great to have moments like these. Nowadays everyone is either busy or stressed out or busy and stressed out, that it's easy to overlook how much effort is made just to share a meal and breathe the same air for a day. I wish I cherished these get-togethers more when I was younger, when we all had plenty of time to be together, but when you are young, you are so anxious to get old that when you actually get old, you can't help but wonder what all the rush was about.
And that brings me to my post for today, a Peyton Manning commercial for Sprint. It breaks down what Manning goes through each time he's in the pocket. Pressed for time, Manning looks for an open receiver while checking the defense and at the last second his inner-child whispers, "Clarrrrk" and Peyton throws to Dallas:
Credit: willworkforshoes
I like this commercial a lot, particularly because it turns Manning's calm and collected genius mentality into a tangible property. Let's hope this genius is repeated tomorrow when the Colts play the Raiders.
It's an away game and the Raiders are a rowdy crowd, so our men in blue need all the support and cheer they can get. Despite lots of people picking the Colts for an outright win, I think it's going to be a tough match. However, I have no doubt that Manning and the Colts will get the job done.
If anything, as I was shopping for last minute gifts, I stumbled upon this horseshoe shaped necklace (Colts logo) with "Hits the jackpot" engraved on the back. I will take that as a token of luck.
Go Colts!
Here are the behind the scenes for the "Manning's Mind" commercial:
It was pretty warm on Christmas Eve, but a late-night rainstorm kicked in a nice cold front. It actually feels like winter today, with foggy windows and white rooftops. The year just isn't complete without being chilled to the bones, so I'm grateful this year wasn't another warm Christmas. Actually, I'm mostly grateful that I have another excuse to use my Snuggie (what, they're comfortable!).
Because I have no relatives here, for every holiday it's just me, my parents, my brother, and my sister. It's really great to have moments like these. Nowadays everyone is either busy or stressed out or busy and stressed out, that it's easy to overlook how much effort is made just to share a meal and breathe the same air for a day. I wish I cherished these get-togethers more when I was younger, when we all had plenty of time to be together, but when you are young, you are so anxious to get old that when you actually get old, you can't help but wonder what all the rush was about.
And that brings me to my post for today, a Peyton Manning commercial for Sprint. It breaks down what Manning goes through each time he's in the pocket. Pressed for time, Manning looks for an open receiver while checking the defense and at the last second his inner-child whispers, "Clarrrrk" and Peyton throws to Dallas:
Credit: willworkforshoes
I like this commercial a lot, particularly because it turns Manning's calm and collected genius mentality into a tangible property. Let's hope this genius is repeated tomorrow when the Colts play the Raiders.
It's an away game and the Raiders are a rowdy crowd, so our men in blue need all the support and cheer they can get. Despite lots of people picking the Colts for an outright win, I think it's going to be a tough match. However, I have no doubt that Manning and the Colts will get the job done.
If anything, as I was shopping for last minute gifts, I stumbled upon this horseshoe shaped necklace (Colts logo) with "Hits the jackpot" engraved on the back. I will take that as a token of luck.
Go Colts!
Here are the behind the scenes for the "Manning's Mind" commercial:
Credit: Manningsmind
Peyton Manning for NFL Fantasy Football
Here is a NFL Fantasy football commercial by the Vault, featuring Peyton Manning along with other prominent football players. At the end of the video clip, Manning holds up a trophy one-millionth the size and value of the Lombardi and claims that that is what he plays for:
Credit: VaultNYC
Introducing the Peyton Manning Dance
You would think Snoop Dogg and Peyton Manning would make for an odd combination, but check out this "music video" featuring Snoop Dogg, John Legend, and Number 18:
Credit: thebsoreport
I have no words but... LOL.
As a Colts fan, I felt obliged to learn the moves.
Credit: thebsoreport
I have no words but... LOL.
As a Colts fan, I felt obliged to learn the moves.
Peyton Manning's old DirecTV commercial plus outtakes
Here is one of Peyton Manning's old commercials for DirecTV, along with outtakes during the filming process:
Outtakes here (Manning looks super young):
Credit: MrClassicAds
Outtakes here (Manning looks super young):
Credit: bucketmilk
Week 15: Colts vs. Jaguars 2010 Highlights
Peyton Manning and the Colts clench a must needed win to stay alive for a playoff spot. The offense, defense, and special teams came together to beat the Jacksonville Jaguars 34-24.
Even though the Colts held a lead throughout the game, the Jaguars made some nice plays to narrow the gap to 3 points towards the end of the game. Tyjuan Hagler caught a really bad onside kick by Josh Scobee and ran it down for a touchdown to seal the win for the Colts.
My Top 3 WTF moments:
Credit: 18pmc18, NFL Game Highlights
One down, two more to go. Let's go Colts!
Even though the Colts held a lead throughout the game, the Jaguars made some nice plays to narrow the gap to 3 points towards the end of the game. Tyjuan Hagler caught a really bad onside kick by Josh Scobee and ran it down for a touchdown to seal the win for the Colts.
My Top 3 WTF moments:
- Austin Collie getting injured again. - My heart stopped when I saw him get hit in the head like that again. Collie is so integral to the Colts' offense, you can really feel them come alive whenever he plays. He walked off the field on his own but was out for the rest of the game. Two concussions in such a short span? Poor kid can't catch a break! I hope he gets better for good because he is a really talented player with lots of potential. *Sending good vibes to Mr. Collie*
- Donald Brown. - Donald, who? He made up for my earlier disappointments by having a really good game running the ball during a really crucial match up. Brown had two 40+ yard runs and drastically cut down his signature no-gain-run-into-my-teammates'-backs carries. Whoever this Donald Brown is, he definitely showed up and needs stay for good.
- That maybe-maybe not fair catch by Mike Thomas. - Make up your mind and either waive or don't waive. Thomas appeared to signal for a fair catch before running the ball back for a touchdown. Officials said his hand wasn't a full length above his head so the touchdown stood, but I've seen players waive with less enthrall than that. Take a lesson from Blair White and waive like a proper player.
Credit: 18pmc18, NFL Game Highlights
One down, two more to go. Let's go Colts!
Peyton Manning on Sound FX
Peyton Manning is mic'd up and wired for sound on NFL's Sound FX. You get to hear him call audibles and wander around on the sidelines during games and practice.
My favorite part is when he goes "How much y'all charge?" and "Y'all didn't spike this did y'all?" to the kids manning the Gatorade table. And speaking of the orange drink, take Manning's advice: the darker colored, "Tennessee orange" stuff is the good stuff.
The following clip is a "best of" Peyton Manning's Sound FX compilation:
Credit: 18pmc18, NFL Sound FX
A longer Manning Sound FX episode aired last night, but I wasn't able to record it. It's a shame though because it was pretty funny. In one clip, Manning kept asking this guy over and over again for his chin strap. Every few seconds it was, "Where's my chin strap?" And then a few seconds later, "Of all the things you forget, I can't believe you forgot my chin strap..." A few seconds pause and then, "Where's my chin strap?!"
Manning sure is persistent. But that's part of what makes him so great.
UPDATE: Here we go, finally found a clip of Manning asking for his chin strap:
Credit: YoungThoro4
My favorite part is when he goes "How much y'all charge?" and "Y'all didn't spike this did y'all?" to the kids manning the Gatorade table. And speaking of the orange drink, take Manning's advice: the darker colored, "Tennessee orange" stuff is the good stuff.
The following clip is a "best of" Peyton Manning's Sound FX compilation:
Credit: 18pmc18, NFL Sound FX
A longer Manning Sound FX episode aired last night, but I wasn't able to record it. It's a shame though because it was pretty funny. In one clip, Manning kept asking this guy over and over again for his chin strap. Every few seconds it was, "Where's my chin strap?" And then a few seconds later, "Of all the things you forget, I can't believe you forgot my chin strap..." A few seconds pause and then, "Where's my chin strap?!"
Manning sure is persistent. But that's part of what makes him so great.
UPDATE: Here we go, finally found a clip of Manning asking for his chin strap:
Credit: YoungThoro4
Vintage Peyton Manning in ESPN All-Access Granted
Watch Peyton Manning in his last year of college football at the University of Tennessee in 1997 (the sound sync is kind of off in these videos):
You see a short clip of Ashley Manning, Peyton's wife, in this second part:
Credit: yankeefanintenn
You see a short clip of Ashley Manning, Peyton's wife, in this second part:
Credit: yankeefanintenn
Week 14: Peyton Manning post-game interview on NFL Network
Peyton Manning's post-game interview with NFL Network is worth watching if you haven't seen it already. He is his classic self, being humble and saying all the right things with a touch of humor:
Credit: theczabe
Credit: theczabe
Week 14: Colts vs. Titans 2010 Highlights
Peyton Manning and the Colts win a crucial game against the Titans, beating them 30-28! We really needed a win and overall, the team dynamics felt pretty good:
No doubt there's still lots of work to be done. They need to play better than they did tonight, but Manning and the Colts are chugging along, grinding, and doing the best they can. Just three more must-win games and they make the play-offs. Like Manning said, he may have been in a slump the past few weeks, but hasn't he been on like "an eight and half year hitting streak"? Let's hope that streak continues and never ends!
Watch highlights from the Colts vs. Titans game in Week 14 here:
Credit: instantjets, NFL Game Highlights
And a post-game interview clip where Manning discusses "hanging in there":
Credit: PierreGarConnoisseur
- Manning had a great game (ZERO interceptions, by the way)
- Reggie Wayne made some good catches (including a 50 yarder)
- Pierre Garcon was on fire (how did he even break out of that tackle clusterfuck to run an extra 40 yards?)
- Adam Vinatieri is still Mr. Clutch at 37 years old (not that that's old or anything)
- Special teams recovered a missed hike by the Titans (Taj Smith is really stepping up)
- Defense played well but unfortunately started to give up yards in the second half and allowed the Titans to narrow the gap. They did enough for tonight, but down the long playoff stretch, enough just won't cut it.
No doubt there's still lots of work to be done. They need to play better than they did tonight, but Manning and the Colts are chugging along, grinding, and doing the best they can. Just three more must-win games and they make the play-offs. Like Manning said, he may have been in a slump the past few weeks, but hasn't he been on like "an eight and half year hitting streak"? Let's hope that streak continues and never ends!
Watch highlights from the Colts vs. Titans game in Week 14 here:
Credit: instantjets, NFL Game Highlights
And a post-game interview clip where Manning discusses "hanging in there":
Credit: PierreGarConnoisseur
Peyton Manning and Mercy Health Partners
Peyton Manning supports Mercy Health Partners in the following short, but meaningful commercials:
Credit: Tombras
Credit: Tombras
Jumping on the bandwagon
Peyton Manning is in a slump. This season proves that Tom Brady is better than Peyton Manning. Curtis Painter should play and the Colts need to start looking for Peyton Manning's replacement. The Man is getting old and it shows. Peyton Manning's glory days are over and he is on the decline. The NFL has figured him out. Can't use the injuries as an excuse because every team is dealing with injuries. Can't use the o-line or lack of talent as an excuse either, because look at Tom Brady and Philip Rivers. They are working with a bunch of no-name rookies and not crashing and burning like good ol' choker Peyton Manning. And speaking of choking, that's about the only thing we can count on Peyton Manning to do well.
I'm usually content with just posting videos of Peyton Manning and the Colts, but this time, give me a second to say...
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
Seriously. What is wrong with everyone? This Peyton Manning hate is just unbelievable. Sure, you can dislike the guy all you want and it's more than fair to say that he hasn't been playing well, but to let a few bad games and a three-game losing streak riddled with unfortunate picks ruin the solid greatness that is this Colts quarterback is like trying to make sense of getting your nuts kicked down your throat (props to those who get this reference). Think about that for a second. That's some messed up shit right there, right?
I know. Pats fans are loving it. The Bolts think we're Dolts. All the Manning haters are feeling warm and fuzzy inside because the moment has come when they can shout in our faces, "I told you so!" Like Eli, Peyton Manning is the most overrated quarterback ever! And make no mistake that the media is loving it. Finally, they have something juicy to write about. And it's a nice, juicy fat cow too, not some new age funky tofu turkey on crack. There's just no good news like bad news.
Yes, the day will come when Manning will start to lose his touch. It happens to everyone and even blind devotion and pure loyalty cannot deny this fact. Manning will one day decline, no doubt about it. But so will Brady. And Brees. And Rivers. And when it happens to Manning, I will probably go through the five stages of grief, but just because something is inevitable, doesn't mean it's imminent. And just because something is inevitable, it doesn't make all the things before it somehow not mean anything anymore.
Everyone is freaking out like it's 11:59pm on December 31, 2011. But seriously, calm down before you punch a baby. Peyton Manning is still the Peyton Manning. He's mostly good and rarely bad and it just so happens that when you're already great, being just great isn't as memorable as the times when you haven't been great. It kind of reminds me of giving Christmas presents to girlfriends. You continually give her good gifts and always try to top what you gave her last year, but what's the present she remembers the most? No, not the diamond studs, but the year you got her a golf club membership. Who doesn't like golf?! But that story's for another time...
For more than a decade, Peyton Manning has been the central cog of the Colts organization. He's the heart that keeps the blood and life force pumping throughout the franchise. You can argue that without the other organs, the heart would die, but without the heart, the organs don't even stand a chance (and we all know Painter is no pacemaker). It's only natural for there to be tune ups here and there. Look at our economy, look at life: what goes up must come back down in order to go back up again. Let me reiterate, in order to go back up again.
So cut the Man some slack.
Because he's earned it.
You know it, I know it, even Belichick's missing shirt sleeves know it.
You don't see Peyton trying to spread the blame when he knows it's his fault. You never hear him claim a win as his own, when everyone knows that without Number 18, the Colts wouldn't even have a chance. He doesn't march onto the field wearing a little cheat sheet on his wrist. And for those of you who think he's a wimp, which one of you can honestly say that you will keep playing in a game with a broken jaw?
There's only so much he can do. Especially when he has little time to throw the ball, mostly inexperienced receivers, no run game to keep the defense honest, and a defense that only shows up in the red zone if it even shows up at all. On top of that, he carries the weight of the organization all by himself. That's got to cause some cracks here and there. What he has done with what he's been given is amazing and I doubt any other person in his position would be able to accomplish all the same things.
Manning is just one person and he can't do it all. He needs help, from himself, from his team, and from his fans. He's going through a rough patch right now, but give greatness credit where credit is due. To discount long-term gains on short-term losses just doesn't make any sense.
Allow me to counter some of the recent rumblings:
No doubt lots of things have to be addressed in the off season, but staying in the fight is the only option. The only way Manning and the Colts can lose is if they stop trying and we all know that is something Manning will never stop doing. So have a little faith and have a lot of heart. Our blood runs blue and we're in it for the Big One.
I'm usually content with just posting videos of Peyton Manning and the Colts, but this time, give me a second to say...
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
Seriously. What is wrong with everyone? This Peyton Manning hate is just unbelievable. Sure, you can dislike the guy all you want and it's more than fair to say that he hasn't been playing well, but to let a few bad games and a three-game losing streak riddled with unfortunate picks ruin the solid greatness that is this Colts quarterback is like trying to make sense of getting your nuts kicked down your throat (props to those who get this reference). Think about that for a second. That's some messed up shit right there, right?
I know. Pats fans are loving it. The Bolts think we're Dolts. All the Manning haters are feeling warm and fuzzy inside because the moment has come when they can shout in our faces, "I told you so!" Like Eli, Peyton Manning is the most overrated quarterback ever! And make no mistake that the media is loving it. Finally, they have something juicy to write about. And it's a nice, juicy fat cow too, not some new age funky tofu turkey on crack. There's just no good news like bad news.
Yes, the day will come when Manning will start to lose his touch. It happens to everyone and even blind devotion and pure loyalty cannot deny this fact. Manning will one day decline, no doubt about it. But so will Brady. And Brees. And Rivers. And when it happens to Manning, I will probably go through the five stages of grief, but just because something is inevitable, doesn't mean it's imminent. And just because something is inevitable, it doesn't make all the things before it somehow not mean anything anymore.
Everyone is freaking out like it's 11:59pm on December 31, 2011. But seriously, calm down before you punch a baby. Peyton Manning is still the Peyton Manning. He's mostly good and rarely bad and it just so happens that when you're already great, being just great isn't as memorable as the times when you haven't been great. It kind of reminds me of giving Christmas presents to girlfriends. You continually give her good gifts and always try to top what you gave her last year, but what's the present she remembers the most? No, not the diamond studs, but the year you got her a golf club membership. Who doesn't like golf?! But that story's for another time...
For more than a decade, Peyton Manning has been the central cog of the Colts organization. He's the heart that keeps the blood and life force pumping throughout the franchise. You can argue that without the other organs, the heart would die, but without the heart, the organs don't even stand a chance (and we all know Painter is no pacemaker). It's only natural for there to be tune ups here and there. Look at our economy, look at life: what goes up must come back down in order to go back up again. Let me reiterate, in order to go back up again.
So cut the Man some slack.
Because he's earned it.
You know it, I know it, even Belichick's missing shirt sleeves know it.
You don't see Peyton trying to spread the blame when he knows it's his fault. You never hear him claim a win as his own, when everyone knows that without Number 18, the Colts wouldn't even have a chance. He doesn't march onto the field wearing a little cheat sheet on his wrist. And for those of you who think he's a wimp, which one of you can honestly say that you will keep playing in a game with a broken jaw?
There's only so much he can do. Especially when he has little time to throw the ball, mostly inexperienced receivers, no run game to keep the defense honest, and a defense that only shows up in the red zone if it even shows up at all. On top of that, he carries the weight of the organization all by himself. That's got to cause some cracks here and there. What he has done with what he's been given is amazing and I doubt any other person in his position would be able to accomplish all the same things.
Manning is just one person and he can't do it all. He needs help, from himself, from his team, and from his fans. He's going through a rough patch right now, but give greatness credit where credit is due. To discount long-term gains on short-term losses just doesn't make any sense.
Allow me to counter some of the recent rumblings:
- Peyton Manning is in a slump. - Yup, it appears so. But don't cut your thumb off just yet. Ups and downs are normal. And as abnormally large his forehead is and as abnormally stellar his football skills are, last time I heard, Peyton Manning is still a homo sapien. It's just a slump. It happens and it really sucks, but it happens. Manning might not be mentally there, he could be stressed out, who knows. All we know is that he isn't playing at a level we all know he is capable of playing at and in a way, that's the best kind of proof that he's awesome at what he does. Manning never gives up and the best way to dig yourself out of a rut is to just keep digging. We all know that we can count on Manning to do just that.
- Tom Brady is better than Peyton Manning. - Tom Brady is an awesome quarterback, but I'll let Nate Dunlevy at 18to88 utterly refute this claim.
- Curtis Painter should play and the Colts need to start looking for Peyton Manning's replacement. - Is death not an option or something? If Manning was hobbling on one leg, he'd still get picked over a healthy Curtis Painter. Sorry Painter, I'm a big Colts fan, but you've just got to step it up and lord knows you've got the biggest shoes to fill. If the Colts think things are bad right now with Manning not playing at 100%, then they definitely must be scarfing down some special brownies to even slightly consider that Curtis Painter could be the one to turn things around.
- Manning is getting old and it shows. - Who would call any other 34 year old, old just for being 34 years old? If anything, Manning is like fine wine, getting better as he ages. He won two MVP awards from the last two years, when he was 33 and 34. He may not be spot on this year, but an off season, pre-season, and half a regular season didn't turn him into a doddering old fool. A short term blip does not predict a long-term downward spiral. If this were true, I would be making tons of money on the stock market. And unfortunately, I am not.
- Peyton Manning's glory days are over and he is on the decline. The NFL has figured him out. - There are only so many confident plays you can run with people who are not as familiar with the playbook, so it's easy for opposing teams (who definitely study tape) to focus their attention on counterattacks. With backups of backups and practice squad upgrades playing on the Colts team, there's only so much they can get down in the limited amount of time they have. You see Manning and the Colts huddling more than ever, when his signature no-huddle offense definitely gave them an edge. What has the NFL figured out? That the Colts can't run the ball or stop the run. But honestly, it doesn't take an "expert analyst" to "figure" this out. What football fan hasn't known about that little tidbit for years now? The NFL has figured out that to move the ball, Peyton Manning is probably going to throw because, let's face it, how else will the ball make it down the field? But to say that the NFL has figured out Peyton Manning is a bold claim. Under certain circumstances, the light has shined in a way to reveal some shallow rocks, but you can never be sure of what's hiding in the deep end.
- Can't use injuries as an excuse because every team has injuries. - Getting injured is in the job description for football players. Injuries are not the reason for Manning's recent poor play and even he knows it himself. Manning didn't throw a pick because Collie has a concussion. Manning didn't throw a pick because Bobzilla tore his biceps. But you can't honestly say that the injuries have had no repercussions. Every team has suffered injuries, but when the majority of your offense is a second stringer, third stringer, or worse, it just makes tough games even tougher. Yea, Manning still has Wayne, his number one wide receiver, but Wayne is almost always double covered. Injuries are not an excuse, but they aren't also without impact.
- Can't use the o-line or lack of talent as an excuse, because look at Tom Brady and Philip Rivers. They are working with a bunch of no-name rookies and not crashing and burning like good ol' choker Peyton Manning. - Wasn't Manning working with a bunch of rookies last year? And look at what Manning and the team managed to do then. This season, not only is Manning working with rookies, he's working with rookies that wouldn't have even made the team. Players are backups for backups for backups and people who have been snatched from the practice squad because there simply is no one else. Brady and Rivers may also be playing with rookies, but those rookies are rookies who made the start and who weren't kept on the practice squad or cut from the team for a reason.
- And speaking of choking, that's about the only thing we can count on Peyton Manning to do well. - How convenient to only remember the bad things and forget about all the good things he has done. It's like this with regular news too. We forget about all the good things going on in society and tend to only remember the stories about murders, crimes, and wars. But look at all the late fourth quarter comebacks Manning has made in his career. The Colts have won games purely on his leadership and his will to win them. In some of the recent games, if the defense was a little better, if someone didn't drop a ball, if a flag wasn't thrown and the Colts won those close games, none of this "oh run for the hills!" Peyton Manning slump talk would exist. He tried to make things happen and kind of shot himself in the foot in the process, and kept going, but it just didn't work out. And you can't count on Manning to choke if he brings games back from the brink of death for all the times he's done it.
No doubt lots of things have to be addressed in the off season, but staying in the fight is the only option. The only way Manning and the Colts can lose is if they stop trying and we all know that is something Manning will never stop doing. So have a little faith and have a lot of heart. Our blood runs blue and we're in it for the Big One.
Week 13: Colts vs. Cowboys 2010 Highlights
I don't even know what to say after tonight's game. It was so intense, my butt was clenched the whole way through and now it won't unclench itself. I thought Peyton Manning and the Colts would come back and win it, but it was not to be.
Yea, yea, Manning had four picks... again. Two returned for a touchdown... again. Is he in a slump? Or is he playing injured? Or is he just trying to do too much with too little and stressing himself out? I say all of the above. But what comes up must come down (come down just a tad in Manning's case) in order to go back up again, so I believe Manning will be fine. No, Father Time's not catching up with him. Manning has much more left in his tank.
With all of the Colts' mistakes tonight, they still put up a good fight. The last touchdown drive before OT was especially amazing.
Watch the highlights of the Colts vs. Cowboys game here:
Credit: CowboysForever81
Credit: CowboysMedia1, NFL Game Highlights
I don't know if it's time to throw in the towel for playoffs, but they are not looking like a contender for anything close to the Super Bowl. I love Manning and the Colts to death. They have a lot of work to do, but I know they can do it! Go Colts!
Yea, yea, Manning had four picks... again. Two returned for a touchdown... again. Is he in a slump? Or is he playing injured? Or is he just trying to do too much with too little and stressing himself out? I say all of the above. But what comes up must come down (come down just a tad in Manning's case) in order to go back up again, so I believe Manning will be fine. No, Father Time's not catching up with him. Manning has much more left in his tank.
With all of the Colts' mistakes tonight, they still put up a good fight. The last touchdown drive before OT was especially amazing.
Watch the highlights of the Colts vs. Cowboys game here:
Credit: CowboysForever81
Credit: CowboysMedia1, NFL Game Highlights
I don't know if it's time to throw in the towel for playoffs, but they are not looking like a contender for anything close to the Super Bowl. I love Manning and the Colts to death. They have a lot of work to do, but I know they can do it! Go Colts!
Peyton Manning and the Colts - Sony 3D Advantage Commercial
Peyton Manning, Jeff Saturday, and other Colts' players are featured in this funny commercial for Sony 3D Advantage. Manning and Saturday stay in their positions, even when they are passing popcorn instead of pigskin:
Credit: sonyelectronics
Credit: sonyelectronics
Are you Peyton Manning's Ultimate Displaced Fan?
Peyton Manning is looking for the Ultimate Displaced Colts Fan. Submit videos, essays, or photographs (and watch Peyton do his thing) here to prove your passion for your favorite team and win a trip for two to Super Bowl XLV in Dallas.

Credit: directv
This fan contest is sponsored by DirecTV.
Check out Peyton Manning's Ultimate Displaced Fan message from 2009:

Credit: directv
This fan contest is sponsored by DirecTV.
Check out Peyton Manning's Ultimate Displaced Fan message from 2009:
Credit: DisplacedFan09
In Depth Interview with Peyton Manning
Bob Costas interviewed Peyton Manning about getting older, winning Super Bowls, Brett Farve, and Tom Brady back in 2009:
Credit: ManningsRule1810
Credit: ManningsRule1810
Week 12: Colts vs. Chargers 2010 Highlights
What, does Cris Collinsworth want to have a secret lovechild with Philip Rivers or something?
"You gotta love this kid."
"This kid just loves football."
"You gotta love this kid."
"This kid is just a bundle of energy and gets everyone around him all excited!"
"You just gotta love this kid."
We get it. You wish you were the guy on the bottom:
But okay, okay. I'm done making lame digs that don't even make any sense.
Rivers is a good quarterback and tonight just wasn't Peyton Manning's night. What a disappointing game. It certainly was not the beat down I was expecting. I thought the Colts still had a chance at halftime. Actually, I almost always think they have a chance, even in the fourth quarter, as long as the ball is in the hands of Number 18. But today was one of the rare days when I finally had to admit defeat.
Here are the highlights for the Colts vs. Chargers game, final score 36-14:
Credit: RandyOrtonrko22, NFL Game Highlights
If you are bummed out about the loss (like me) or just really don't like Philip Rivers (like me), these pictures will cheer you up:
Gotta admit, it's kind of hard to hate someone when you are in awe of their stellar range of facial contortions.
"You gotta love this kid."
"This kid just loves football."
"You gotta love this kid."
"This kid is just a bundle of energy and gets everyone around him all excited!"
"You just gotta love this kid."
We get it. You wish you were the guy on the bottom:
But okay, okay. I'm done making lame digs that don't even make any sense.
Rivers is a good quarterback and tonight just wasn't Peyton Manning's night. What a disappointing game. It certainly was not the beat down I was expecting. I thought the Colts still had a chance at halftime. Actually, I almost always think they have a chance, even in the fourth quarter, as long as the ball is in the hands of Number 18. But today was one of the rare days when I finally had to admit defeat.
Here are the highlights for the Colts vs. Chargers game, final score 36-14:
Credit: RandyOrtonrko22, NFL Game Highlights
If you are bummed out about the loss (like me) or just really don't like Philip Rivers (like me), these pictures will cheer you up:
Gotta admit, it's kind of hard to hate someone when you are in awe of their stellar range of facial contortions.
Peyton Manning - Reebok ZigTech Commercial
This is a pretty cool commercial for Reebok's ZigTech shoes, featuring MVP Peyton Manning:
Credit: RogansShoes
Credit: RogansShoes
Behind the Scenes: Manning Bowl II Commercial
Here is some behind the scene footage from Peyton Manning and Eli Manning filming the commercial for Manning Bowl II this year:
Credit: ManningsRule1810
Here is the original commercial:
Credit: indystarsports
Credit: ManningsRule1810
Here is the original commercial:
Credit: indystarsports
Peyton Manning, just snap the ball already!
Want to see more of Peyton Manning and his audibles? Look more further.
Here is a clip audibles from the DVD extras off of Super Bowl XLI:
Here is a clip audibles from the DVD extras off of Super Bowl XLI:
Credit: Nec1
Monday Night Miracle - 2003 Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Indianapolis Colts
Here's a Monday blast from the past highlight of Peyton Manning's incredible 21 point 4th quarter comeback against the Buccaneers back in 2003:
Credit: franciscojara10
It was probably the best homecoming (this game was Dungy's first return to Tampa Bay after they fired him) and birthday present Tony Dungy ever received.
Week 11: Colts vs. Patriots 2010 Highlights
I really, really, really thought Peyton Manning and the Colts would stage another comeback for the win. You could just feel them getting hot in the second half. If only Manning didn't throw that last pick... But you know, considering the three interceptions, multiple penalties, sucky defense, and injured players, I think Manning and the Colts did pretty well. The Patriots played a really good game against a not-so-perfect Colts team and it was still a nail-biter to the end. Manning is going to be under fire for losing the game, but the game would have already been lost if he didn't suit up. Cut the man some slack. Look at what he has done for his team ever since he took his first snap as a rookie!
And while I'm at it, give Pierre Garcon a break too. Yea, he's made mistakes and yea, Manning may be frustrated with him, but he's playing with a hamstring injury and may just be having an off-year. Let's hope he gets better towards the end of the season, like he did in 2009.
On a side note, I was surprised to see Austin Collie play. Each hit he took after catching a ball made me cringe. Even though I wished someone with his skill set could stay on the field, I was relieved when they pulled him from the game. Manning will need his good receivers healthy for the tough matches ahead!
Here are highlights from the Colts vs. Patriots game, Patriots winning it 31-28:
Credit: carylwhytierchessman, NFL Game Highlights
Next game is with the Chargers. I have an irrational dislike for Phillip Rivers. So, come on Colts! Lets get healthy, get some more reps down, and give Rivers a nice beat down at home.
And while I'm at it, give Pierre Garcon a break too. Yea, he's made mistakes and yea, Manning may be frustrated with him, but he's playing with a hamstring injury and may just be having an off-year. Let's hope he gets better towards the end of the season, like he did in 2009.
On a side note, I was surprised to see Austin Collie play. Each hit he took after catching a ball made me cringe. Even though I wished someone with his skill set could stay on the field, I was relieved when they pulled him from the game. Manning will need his good receivers healthy for the tough matches ahead!
Here are highlights from the Colts vs. Patriots game, Patriots winning it 31-28:
Credit: carylwhytierchessman, NFL Game Highlights
Next game is with the Chargers. I have an irrational dislike for Phillip Rivers. So, come on Colts! Lets get healthy, get some more reps down, and give Rivers a nice beat down at home.
Mid-season MVP - Peyton Manning?
Peyton Manning won the MVP award last year and I think he should win it again this year.
Here's a flashback to his 2009 season MVP highlights (cue super dramatic music):
Credit: NFLIndiColtsFootball
Here's a flashback to his 2009 season MVP highlights (cue super dramatic music):
Credit: NFLIndiColtsFootball
Week 10: Colts vs. Bengals Highlights 2010
Peyton Manning and the Colts beat the Cincinnati Bengals 23-17.
Here are the highlights of the game:
Credit: weedfan, NFL Game Highlights
Game highlights with user commentary:
Credit: GangsterNikolas
Here are the highlights of the game:
Credit: weedfan, NFL Game Highlights
Game highlights with user commentary:
Credit: GangsterNikolas
2010 National Pathfinders Award - Peyton Manning
Peyton Manning was honored with the 2010 National Pathfinder Award for his charitable works with the PeyBack Foundation and the Peyton Manning Children's Hospital at St. Vincent. The Pathfinder Award, which Manning's parents have also won before, honors individuals for their contributions and dedications to the community youth.
Manning was the recipient of this award during the off-season. It just goes to show how he does great things on the field and even greater things off the field:
(I think you can see a glimpse of Peyton Manning and his wife Ashley, who rarely makes an appearance, at the end of this clip)
Manning was the recipient of this award during the off-season. It just goes to show how he does great things on the field and even greater things off the field:
(I think you can see a glimpse of Peyton Manning and his wife Ashley, who rarely makes an appearance, at the end of this clip)
Credit: IndianaSportsCorp1
Credit: wish
Here's to beating the Bengals today without tacking on any more injuries!
NFL Top Ten Single Season Performance - #1 Peyton Manning
Peyton Manning's awesome 2004 MVP season is ranked number one on NFL's Top Ten Single Season Performance countdown:
As far as Manning's best game? For me, nothing beats the 2006 AFC Championship against the Patriots.
Credit: TheNFLhistory
As far as Manning's best game? For me, nothing beats the 2006 AFC Championship against the Patriots.
Week 9: Colts vs. Eagles Highlights 2010
Sorry this is late. It's getting harder to find an embedded video link for NFL Colts football game highlights.
By now most of you have probably already heard about Austin Collie's concussion. I'm so glad that he is okay! He will be sitting out the Colts' game this Sunday against the Bengals.
Peyton Manning was picked off at the last minute during the Eagles game. I was really hoping the Colts would make a field goal and take the win, but oh well. The Eagles won 26-24, dropping the Colts to 5-3 and tied for first in the AFC South.
Here are the highlights from the week 9 Colts vs. Eagles match in case you missed it:
Credit: ahufinger, NFL Game Highlights
The Top 100: NFL Greatest Players - Peyton Manning
Peyton Manning is number 8 on NFL's list of the Top 100 Greatest Players!
In it, Ray Lewis says, "You can put in whatever piece you want to put with 18, 18 will make it work. All he says is 'Just find your way open, I'll get the ball down.'"
Ray Lewis does a great job presenting the honor. My favorite thing is when he said, "I try to tell my sons that. I'm like, that just didn't happen, he didn't just wake up and 'Oh, I'm good!' No! I guarantee you there were some hours he spent by himself. A lot of them. That's what greatness is. Greatness is by yourself. Nobody else can make you be great."
Watch the video on Peyton Manning:
Credit: harpodroidtv, NFL Video
The top 10 players:
In it, Ray Lewis says, "You can put in whatever piece you want to put with 18, 18 will make it work. All he says is 'Just find your way open, I'll get the ball down.'"
Ray Lewis does a great job presenting the honor. My favorite thing is when he said, "I try to tell my sons that. I'm like, that just didn't happen, he didn't just wake up and 'Oh, I'm good!' No! I guarantee you there were some hours he spent by himself. A lot of them. That's what greatness is. Greatness is by yourself. Nobody else can make you be great."
Watch the video on Peyton Manning:
Credit: harpodroidtv, NFL Video
The top 10 players:
- Jerry Rice
- Jim Brown
- Lawrence Taylor
- Joe Montana
- Walter Payton
- Johnny Unitas
- Reggie White
- Peyton Manning
- Don Hutson
- Dick Butkus
Peyton Manning: Colts vs. Texans Post-Game Interview
Coach Caldwell and Peyton Manning talk about Monday night's win against the Texans:
Manning starts talking around the 6 minute mark:
Manning starts talking around the 6 minute mark:
Credit: teej813
Week 8: Colts vs. Texans Highlights 2010
Peyton Manning and the Colts continue their home-game winning streak against the Texans. The Colts won last night's match up, 30-17. Now they lead the AFC South! Even though a bunch of key players are injured, Manning and the Colts still managed to get the job done.
If you missed the game, here are some highlights (including Peyton Manning throwing a block for Garcon):
Credit: VikesHighlights , NFL Game Highlights
If you missed the game, here are some highlights (including Peyton Manning throwing a block for Garcon):
Credit: VikesHighlights , NFL Game Highlights
Credit: PrincexMilanopt2
Week 6: Colts vs. Redskins 2010 Highlights
The Colts' latest win against the Redskins puts them tied for first in the AFC South at 4-2. Peyton Manning and company beat out McNabb and company, 27-24 for the the win.
Here are highlights of the game:
Credit: RedskinNationHTTR, NFL Game Highlights
Including Pierre Garcon's amazing one handed catch:
Credit: MrDannySports
Here are highlights of the game:
Credit: RedskinNationHTTR, NFL Game Highlights
Including Pierre Garcon's amazing one handed catch:
Credit: MrDannySports
In Their Own Words - Peyton Manning shares his Sunday love
In this NFL special, Peyton Manning talks about growing up and his love for football. Throughout his career thus far, never once has he given anyone the opportunity to doubt his intensity and passion for the sport. It's funny that this discipline started evolving when he was just 3 years old.
Peyton and his older brother Cooper often played football in their backyard, but they took these games just as seriously as if they were going to play on the field with their dad Archie Manning, then quarterback for the Saints. The two little Mannings had lockers in their bedrooms and they'd even sing the national anthem before putting on full pads and official uniforms to march out back behind their house.
If you're up for a heavy dose of Peyton and his audibles, then this video is a must-watch:
Peyton and his older brother Cooper often played football in their backyard, but they took these games just as seriously as if they were going to play on the field with their dad Archie Manning, then quarterback for the Saints. The two little Mannings had lockers in their bedrooms and they'd even sing the national anthem before putting on full pads and official uniforms to march out back behind their house.
If you're up for a heavy dose of Peyton and his audibles, then this video is a must-watch:
Credit: Hulu
And here are some of my favorite inspirational quotes by Peyton from the clip:
"When you win, it's the greatest feeling in the world. There's nothing like it. But, when you lose, it's the pits. I've never liked the guys who said, 'Well, we'll get them next year.' It's supposed to bother you. So you need to be intense and passionate about it." - Peyton Manning on winning and losing
"You work real hard in college to get to be a high draft choice, but once you get to the NFL, you have to work even harder if you want to be average at best. If you want to be a really good football player, you have to do even more." - Peyton Manning on playing in the NFL
"When you have a bad game, you throw two or three interceptions, it's easy to come out. It's hard to stay in the game and avoid throwing number four." - Peyton Manning on how Jim Mora always backed him up.
"I don't think you want to have to go through something like that, but if you do, instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you better use it to make yourself a better player." - Peyton Manning on his 3-13 rookie year.
Week 5: Colts vs. Chiefs 2010 Highlights
And the Colts win it, 19-9! There was only one touchdown during the game (shockingly, through running the ball instead of an aerial attack), but Peyton Manning and the Colts did the job and are now sitting at 3-2 in the AFC South.
Here are some highlights from the game:
Credit: DominiqueTheNFL
Here is a longer and better GameDay highlight by the NFL.
And some film footage from the game, shot by a fan:
Credit: TheManFromGallifrey
Colts vs. Chiefs Sound FX:
Here are some highlights from the game:
Credit: DominiqueTheNFL
Here is a longer and better GameDay highlight by the NFL.
And some film footage from the game, shot by a fan:
Credit: TheManFromGallifrey
Colts vs. Chiefs Sound FX:
Credit: MrDen4169
Week 4: Colts vs. Jaguars Highlights 2010
Peyton Manning has a laser rocket arm, but who knew Josh Scobee has a laser rocket leg?! A 59 ft field goal? Gotta admit, that was pretty awesome. (Though nowhere near as awesome as Peyton.)
After Sunday's disappointing loss to the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Colts are 2-2.
Watch the highlights from the game:
Credit: DominiqueTheNFL , NFL: GameDay Colts vs. Jaguars Highlights
After Sunday's disappointing loss to the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Colts are 2-2.
Watch the highlights from the game:
Credit: DominiqueTheNFL , NFL: GameDay Colts vs. Jaguars Highlights
Blast from the Past: Colts vs. Jaguars Full 2009 Game
Peyton Manning and the Colts play the Jacksonville Jaguars this Sunday (4:05pm, watch on CBS). The Colts typically win when they play against the Jaguars, but with Brown, Addai, Garcon, and Collie all listed as questionable, the usually tough games may become even tougher.
Re-live last year's 2009 Week 1 Game - Colts vs. Jaguars 14-12 - with this full game recap:
Credit: ColtsArchive
Re-live last year's 2009 Week 1 Game - Colts vs. Jaguars 14-12 - with this full game recap:
Credit: ColtsArchive
Peyton Manning TD pass to Blair White
During the Colts vs. Broncos game, #15 Blair White made a play suggestion to Peyton Manning. White, an undrafted free agent who recently joined the team, is a newbie. But instead of chewing him out like he did when Jeff Saturday suggested they run the ball, Peyton Manning took up White's suggestion and the play resulted in a touchdown.
Watch the Peyton Manning to Blair White touchdown pass here:
Credit: aandreww1411
“The practice-squad guys know they're one injury away (from playing),” Manning said. “This is the NFL. You have to be ready.”
White was on the field for 42 plays. “It was a beautiful day. I couldn't have asked for anything more,” White said.
Watch the Peyton Manning to Blair White touchdown pass here:
Credit: aandreww1411
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